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Chenglai Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. Introduction


公司先後通過ISO9001質量管理(lǐ)、ISO 14001環境管理(lǐ)、ISO45001職業健康安全管理(lǐ)等體系認證,售後服務五星、3C強制性認證、汽車節能環保認證、汽車免征認證、美國(guó)機(jī)械工程師阿斯米(ASME)認證、歐盟協議ADR等各項管理(lǐ)認證,擁有(yǒu)專用汽車、汽車整車、新能源汽車、随車起重機(jī)、汽車吊、消防車等生産資質。

公司“程力威”商(shāng)标産品暢銷國(guó)內(nèi)外市(shì)場,并出口尼日利亞、加納、安哥(gē)拉、玻利維亞、智利、柬埔寨、緬甸等50多個國(guó)家和(hé)地(dì)區。公司先後被金融機(jī)構評為(wèi)AAA企業,湖北(běi)省工商(shāng)局評為(wèi)“守合同重信用”企業,湖北(běi)省科(kē)技廳評為(wèi)“具有(yǒu)發展潛力企業”、“高(gāo)新技術企業”等榮譽稱号。公司黨委被湖北(běi)省省委組織部評為(wèi)“全省非公有(yǒu)制企業雙強百佳黨組織”,省委、省政府授予“湖北(běi)省優秀民營企業”, 中華全國(guó)工商(shāng)業聯合會、國(guó)務院扶貧領導小組辦公室授予“全國(guó)“萬企幫萬村”精準扶貧行(xíng)動先進民營企業”,中華全國(guó)總工會授予“全國(guó)就業與社會保障先進民營企業”。公司“程力威”産品被評為(wèi)湖北(běi)省名牌産品;公司 “程力威”榮獲湖北(běi)省著名商(shāng)标、中國(guó)馳名商(shāng)标。2022年(nián),公司位列中國(guó)民營企業500強第389位,中國(guó)制造業民營企業500強第242位;湖北(běi)民營企業100強第16位,湖北(běi)民營企業制造業100強第6位。

Chenglai Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Chenglai Special Vehicle") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chenglai Automotive Group Co., Ltd. Located in the southern outskirts of Zengdu District, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, China, which is known for being the hometown of the legendary Yellow Emperor, the origin of ancient music notation, and the capital of specialized vehicles in China. Established in September 2004, the company has a registered capital of 100 million RMB, total assets of 1.645 billion RMB, occupies an area of 610 mu, and employs 1,786 staff members. Its main business scope includes the technical research and development, manufacturing, sales, and servicing of complete vehicles, specialized vehicles, new energy vehicles, and emergency support vehicles.

The company has successively obtained certifications for ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management, as well as certifications for a five-star after-sales service, 3C mandatory certification, automobile energy conservation and environmental protection certification, automobile exemption certification, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) certification, and European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), among other management certifications. It possesses production qualifications for specialized vehicles, complete vehicles, new energy vehicles, on-board cranes, automobile hoists, fire trucks, and more.

Products bearing the "Chenglai Wei" trademark from the company are well-received in domestic and international markets, with exports to over 50 countries and regions, including Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, Bolivia, Chile, Cambodia, Myanmar, and many others.

The company has been rated as an AAA enterprise by financial institutions, recognized as a "Contract-Honoring and Credit-Respecting" enterprise by Hubei Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, and awarded various honors by Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, such as "Enterprises with Development Potential" and "High-Tech Enterprise." The company's Party Committee has been recognized as one of the "Top 100 Party Organizations among Non-Public Enterprises in Hubei Province" by the Organization Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee. The company has also received accolades from the Hubei Provincial Government as an "Excellent Private Enterprise in Hubei Province" and from the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Office of the Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation under the State Council as an "Advanced Private Enterprise in the 'Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages' Precise Poverty Alleviation Campaign." The "Chenglai Wei" products have been named as famous brand products in Hubei Province, and the "Chenglai Wei" brand has been awarded the titles of "Famous Trademark of Hubei Province" and "China Well-Known Trademark." In 2022, the company was ranked 389th in the "Top 500 Private Enterprises in China," 242nd in the "Top 500 Private Manufacturing Enterprises in China," 16th in the "Top 100 Private Enterprises in Hubei Province," and 6th in the "Top 100 Private Manufacturing Enterprises in Hubei Province."
